April Pre-Orders!
Hello Everyone!
This is Seth, Founder of Fransen Games, I just want to take a moment to thank you for continuing to support me and my effort to offer Pokémon cards at perfect prices. This is my first blog post so I thought it Would be great to take a moment and let everyone know about some of the products we are going to have coming on the website in April. It is going to be a relatively short list. I will have 1 case of the V Battle Decks (Victini V or Gardevoir V), a case of Pokemon Inteleon VMAX League Battle Deck and 30 boxes of the Rapidash V boxes. Now for those of you still reading I am going to tell you exactly when I will put up the first round of Chilling reign pre-orders. April 30th is when I am expecting to have my final numbers of the Chilling Reign set. This product has been hugely anticipated and I have no doubt that it will live up to the expectations we have of the set. So in an effort to make sure I am taking care of you, my customers who make all this possible I will post 20 boxes for 110USD as always on April 30th at 5pm EST. I will not have an order cap and I will monitor the speed at which these sell to determine if one will be needed for the May and June orders.
Thank you,
Seth S.